James W. Meng

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Even the most repulsive of women have occasionally inspired great creative works. This particular woman - in my opinion, the worst European monarch in history, a woman with the intellect and sensibilities of an unwed welfare mother from an American flyover state - will nevertheless inspire a grand obituary from me as I finally get to celebrate her death. How much longer will it take - we don't know. The Anglos - an inferior white race - are giving us all quite a long and drawn-out exposition of their worthlessness at the moment; a veritable non-stop pageant of their incompetence and incoherence in the run-up to Charles' assumption of the throne. Brexit, COVID, an off road vehicle called "In The Arse"...it seemingly never ends. But it will end, and probably sooner rather than later. Watch this space.

When Queen Elizabeth II finally dies, there are a complex series of procedures that will be triggered by the British monarch's death in advance of a transition of power.

I, of course, have nothing to do with any of those. I am not British, nor Anglo. I am merely a tortured soul with a penchant for quality historical commentary.

UPDATE: Now that Coony Loserbeth is finally dead, I am not actually going to waste my time writing anything about this awful woman beyond the things that I have already written. This page has already served its purpose; however, I may add more content (primary sources) in support of my overwhelmingly negative opinion on her life and reign as more time passes.